Hè Hè Design is the Interior Design studio of Erin Fairmaid, based in
Melbourne, Australia
Erin has completed a Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration and holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
Hè Hè Design is located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hè Hè is the Dutch expression for 'a sigh of relief’, often said when putting one’s feet up at the end of a long day. Though, it is more than an expression to me; it’s a connection to my Dutch heritage, a part of me which I hold very dear to my heart.
Growing up with many Dutch traditions, I wanted to bring this connection through in my design work and so Hè Hè Design was born!
I love creating homes that are cosy, inspiring, comfortable and lived in. Homes that leave a lasting, emotional connection due to a particular element, texture or colour. It’s the emotional connectedness to a home that I’m looking to achieve through all of my designs. If someone tells me that they feel something because of what we have created together, I have successfully done my job! And there is simply nothing more important to me than ensuring my clients have a home that they can retreat to at the end of the day to find complete happiness and forget the worries of the world.
I grew up in regional Victoria and spent a lot of my younger years crafting with my Sister, Dad and Grandpa. We would often be working with our hands, whether it be woodturning, making jewellery, drawing or painting, something was always being created. My creative side was initially nurtured through completing a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Psychology. There are a lot of cross benefits between having a passion and understanding of Psychology and how it compliments Interior Design. After all, Psychology looks at the human mind and behaviours in a given context, while Interior Design considers crafting environments based on human behaviours. The link between the two is a fascinating combination!
After completing my Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration and many projects throughout Melbourne and Victoria, I am a firm believer that design is an innate ability. There are some things in life that simply cannot be taught and understanding how the elements and principles of design all work together within a home is something I am fiercely passionate about.
I love creating wholesome relationships with each of my clients and getting to know them on a more personal level. While Interior Design is an incredibly valuable and seriously considered process, it is also a time to have a bit of fun and release your inner most creative thoughts, push the boundaries, have a laugh and trust that together we can create your very own version of Hè Hè.